Get It Down 31 for 21: Post 4

Ok, here it comes, my first – drum-roll here please – contest. Yep, you got it right. And you can win a pair of:


Vincent Shoe Store rubber wellies (European size 20-28), if you need bigger sizes you will have the opportunity for a pair of these (European size 20-35):


So here it goes, this is what you need to do:

Leave a comment telling me you want to play, then you have to link to this post on your page. If you do not have a blog you have to give a REALLY good reason why you should still be able to win. Vincent will then decide if it is a good enough reason. He is also the man in charge of drawing the winner. The winner will be announced on October 10th. Good luck! And of course we ship world wide 😉

58 Responses

  1. Du är god som har tävlingar! Själv behöver jag inte vinna, är övertygad om att min gullunge Vincent (ok, din också) kommer vara torrskodd om fötterna! Puss

  2. Me! Me! Pick me!

  3. Oooo I love those! Add my name please 🙂

  4. Count us in!!!!!

  5. […] over at Prince Vince Meets The World is holding a Vincent Shoe contest in honor of Down syndrome awareness month! Head on over and see […]

  6. Jag kan kanske stå över till nästa tävling då jag varken har blog eller bebis än!!! Men cool idé! Puss gumman.

  7. OOH Hailey would look so so cute in those! I want to be included!!!

  8. We are SO in!

  9. Me too!! Me too!!

  10. Oh, we definitely want to play too! I can think of several reasons why we need those boots. Will link as soon as I write the post!

  11. Please pick us, Vincent! Joe would love to walk around in your stylish boots!

  12. Count me in for a pair!
    I just love those boots…

  13. Mycket bra idé
    Mamma & pappa

  14. Juliana and Nicolas would look fabulous in these shoes – I’ll order them anyways!!!! 😉 So count us in pleaaaaaaaaaaase!!!

  15. Oh, Angela SO LOVES boots like these! Go look at at this post
    don’t you think they’d be fantastic with this outfit?

  16. LOVE THE BOOTS! Count Tucker in for a pair, he could sit in his froggie chair with his froggie boots! 🙂

  17. Great Gummies! Please count Hannah bear in from ‘down under’!

  18. Sign us up! Joe would love the boots. I linked to your page.


  19. Followed MegansGot47 over here to see the cute boots and the even cuter Prince Vince! My little puddle splasher would love some rubber boots! I’ll add you to my link list!

  20. These are adorable! And they’d look great on our newest addition that will be joining our family just in time for Spring! (she is 5 years old with Ds!)

    Thanks for doing this, what a neat idea!

  21. Booties for B! Love the red ones!

  22. oh my. those are the cutest thing ever!! please add mayson to your list!! wouldnt she look cute in those lil pink ones?????????

  23. I want to play! I don’t have a web address to provide, but rest assured, my winning of the pink boots would go to lil miss Mayson! ; )

  24. Of course Kayla wants a chance to win too! 🙂

  25. Jag vill oxå vinna ett par, men gärna i strl 38… ;0)

  26. These are just TOO cute – I love them!!! My daughter Libby will look adorable in them!

  27. I want to play too! Hello Prince Vince! *waving from wet Vancouver area*

    I have a Prince of my own (who prefers to be referred to as the “King of the Castle!), and I believe that both our Royal subjects would love to splash in puddles together! (Of course, I’d have to find a pair for me and my husband so we could frolic too!)

    Love your blog! Vincent is beautiful! Congratulations!!!

  28. Count me in too.

  29. Pick my son Isaac because I believe Isaac and Vincent are identical twins who were separated at birth. I don’t know how it happened, but it did!


  30. Yes, us too! We’d love to be in the drawing, thank you for sharing!

  31. Ashlyn wants to play too! She loves to puddle jump!

  32. These are great! Zechariah will definitely need a pair for when he arrives home!

  33. “These boots are made for winning ?? or was it walking?? Anyways they are great and Frederik would love a pair.

  34. I want to play! Zechariah will look adorable in these when he arrives home from Hong Kong!

  35. I want to play! Zechariah will look adorable in a pair of these when he comes home from Hong Kong.

  36. Zechariah wants to play!! He’ll definitely need a pair when he comes home from Hong Kong!!

  37. Zechariah wants to play! He’ll definitely need a pair when he gets home from Hong Kong!

  38. We want them, too! (We´ve got many rainy days overhere! 😉 Special Hello from Eddy to Vince!
    Eddy & Bruno

  39. Oh, Miss Emma Sage would love a pair of Wellies like that. Actually, I always tear up when I think of Wellies, as my Mum would bring back a pair for my older children when she would return home from Ireland.

    Prince Vince………..count us in!

  40. Oh my they are so stinkin’ cute!!! I would love to join in. I will write a little something later.

  41. Now I know Artie (King of the toy box) would look fine in these as he considers walking! He loves his feet and really loves shoes especially!! Any shoes!
    Prince Vincent, check it out!

  42. How exciting! Thanks for putting up a prize for our “contest”! You have a wonderful blog–and beautiful family.

  43. Ok….my post is up. 🙂

  44. Love them!

  45. Nash’ s Grammy would look smashing in those . Too cool !

  46. They are just to cute…they would be perfect for Aviva on our rainy days here in South Florida.

  47. These are too cute, Christina! Jack has the sweetest frog rain coat…and really needs those frog boots to complete the ensemble! So count me in! I’m linking…


  48. Oh Prince Vincent….Pick us!!! We have 4 little girls and 3 of them have the extra special factor too, called DS. We would love to win these and get 3 more for our other girls…..

  49. We would love a pair of those for school!

  50. You ship worldwide!!?? Woo Hoo! If we don’t win a cool pair of boots for Will to totally show off at his school, I will still go ahead and order a pair anyway. Won’t we look so worldly 🙂

  51. WOW!! I am so glad you are up and running with the story and a shoe give away WOW! Chase so needs a pair of these. Maybe he won’t come home so muddy from feeding the horse with his dad. hehehehe
    Please add him to your list..

  52. Great contest! I think we talked a tiny bit about Vincent shoes when I started my boutique. I get email after email from Vincent asking me to sell their shoes. Can you talk me into it? 🙂 I have two pair of Oskars for my son, one of which fell apart. 😦 They sent me a replacement though. We’d love to try out the rainboots!

  53. Oooh these are so adorable! I would LOVE to win a pair for Brant 🙂 Thanks for the cool contest!


  54. Parker would love a pair of Vince’s super cool wellies.

    Sending high fives to Vince and hugs to Momma… to blog about this great contest!

  55. I would love to win a pair of these! I have three little girls that would all get a turn with them 🙂

    I’ll be posting the link on my blog now. . .

  56. My little girl would love this really cute wellies, since she always trying on my shoes all the time. She also have a tiny feet so I think she would look so cute on them.

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