Proud Mommy!

I am so proud of my little Prince. Here is finally the opening movie from the Down Syndrome Conference we went to in Salzburg. That ultra-cute little baby in the beginning would be my Vincent. The movie is showing people with Down Syndrome from newborn (that would be Vincent and the little girl) to adulthood. I am going to try to translate the text and add it later, it is very beautiful, with the simple message that we should all learn from each other…

(Thanks for the help with the movie format Didi!)

27 Responses

  1. Underbart!!/Wonderful!!
    The movie made me belive in the future again without worries!
    Tack för att du delade med dej den!!
    Thank you for sharing this !!
    Vincent var såklart supersöt!!
    Vincent was o fcourse so adorable !
    Kramar Mia

  2. I agree – it’s wonderful to see all this people doing so good.


  3. Tittat på filmen nu, vilken värme och gemenskap.Bevisar att det finns en plats i samhället för alla. (Vincent var söt)
    Kramar lena

  4. Vincent är visserligen viktigast, men du glömde nämna att DU är med, snygging! Jättefin film. Puss.

  5. jättekul att se!!!! Helt underbart!!Vad heter den “riktiga ” filmen sen? ska den visas i sverige? VILL SE!:-)

  6. Var tvungen att titta 2 ggr!!!:-)

  7. Vilken fin film! Vincent var förstås den stora stjärnan – men oj vad liten han var! Minns inte att han varit sådär liten…Så härligt det var att se alla dessa underbaringar vara ute och erövra världen. Bevisar verkligen att ALLA kan göra precis ALLT dom vill. Så det så!

  8. You’re a star Vincent!!
    What a great video – I’m so glad you were able to share it with us!

  9. I would be a proud mommy too! What a great video! Vince is a star! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Good to see just HOW independent, happy and fulfilling a life with just one chromosome more can be. Way to go, Vincent!!

  11. Hej!
    Verkligen en jättefin film och så kul att du delade den här med oss. Ni var supersnygga bägge två 🙂


  12. LOVE IT!! It makes me so proud…all the positive exposure about Ds lately is wonderful.

    Vincent (and you!) did great!


  13. Hej sötnosar!
    Jaha, blödiga jag sitter och fäller en tår nu igen över att få se både dig och Vincent live. Jättefin film och så klart var det du och prinsen som var bäst : )

  14. You cleverly did not mention that YOU were in the movie too! Beautiful Vincent…..

    Thanks for posting this. Even though we are so proud of Eric for all he is doing at 3, and who he is, it’s still important to see people like the lovely woman in red near the end of the film, to see where he can go.

  15. Hej!
    Jätte fin film!

  16. Hej!
    En jättefin film

  17. Just lovely. Vince was so alert as a newborn. Sheena slept for the 1st 3 weeks.

  18. Hej!
    Vilken fin film! Tack för att du delade med dig.

  19. Hej älsklingar!
    Vad fina ni är! Har Oscarjuryn varit i kontakt med er ännu? Tycker dock att det var LITE konstigt att dom fokuserade så mycket på tjejen i slutet när den stora stjärnan fanns i filmens början (och nej Kicki, jag syftar inte på dig). Jag säger bara: Avundsjuka!!

  20. What a wonderful video! What a lucky mommy to have such an adorable little star.

  21. Boah, ich würde platzen vor Stolz! Tust Du bestimmt auch, gell?

    LG Ulli

  22. Amazing video and I think Vincent is definetly a prince. I am currently pregnant with a little Girl named Samantha due June 1, 2007. Everything is so uplifting and I know we are going to be ok. Our children are what will change the world and make it a better place. Thanks so much for your movie and blog they made my day.

  23. I have been looking at your website and your inspirational words and actions! My husband and I had our beautiful baby boy in October and struggled with the diagnosis from the day he was born. We gave him up for adoption last week. He is with a loving family who is emotionally and mentally read for what the future holds with a DS child. I wish we were stronger. Your baby is wonderful and will grow into a dynamic young man thanks to the love, dedication, strength and determination you are providing him with.

  24. […] Apropå livskvalitet vill jag att ni tittar på detta klipp hos Prince Vince. Jag har sett det mååånga gånger och blir alltid lika glad. […]

  25. Hi, I came across your site while doing some research on DS (I am a biology teacher and teaching human genetics for the first time!). Your photos are beautiful and Vincent is just gorgeous. I found this site very informative if you have not seen it before..

  26. Well done! Congrats to Vince, who is now famous! I hope the paparazzi are not too hard on him 🙂

  27. I am amazed. The responses and loving kindness to the children with DS and every other type of challenge. I never believed things would be better. The past 32 years have been up and down for my DS son…whom also has autism. You can meet him on utube!
    Prince Vince was already a shining star when he was born!

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